Source code for clusterdock.utils

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Various utilities to be used by other modules."""

import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import random
import socket
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import reduce
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from time import sleep, time

import docker

from .config import defaults

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

client = docker.from_env()

[docs]def nested_get(dict_, keys): """Utility function that returns the value of a sequence of nested keys. Example: >>> details = {'name': {'first': {'english': 'Dima'}}} >>> nested_get(details, ['name', 'first', 'english']) 'Dima' Args: dict_ (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary to access. keys (:obj:`list`): A list of keys to access in a nested manner. Returns: The value. """ return reduce(operator.getitem, keys, dict_)
# The `#:` constructs at the end of assignments are part of Sphinx's autodoc functionality. DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKS = 1 #: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60 #:
[docs]def wait_for_condition(condition, condition_args=None, condition_kwargs=None, time_between_checks=DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKS, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, time_to_success=0, success=None, failure=None): """Wait until a condition is satisfied (or timeout). Args: condition: Callable to evaluate. condition_args (optional): A list of args to pass to the ``condition``. Default: ``None`` condition_kwargs (optional): A dictionary of kwargs to pass to the ``condition``. Default: ``None`` time_between_checks (:obj:`int`, optional): Seconds between condition checks. Default: :py:const:`DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKS` timeout (:obj:`int`, optional): Seconds to wait before timing out. Default: :py:const:`DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` time_to_success (:obj:`int`, optional): Seconds for the condition to hold true before it is considered satisfied. Default: ``0`` success (optional): Callable to invoke when ``condition`` succeeds. A ``time`` variable will be passed as an argument, so can be used. Default: ``None`` failure (optional): Callable to invoke when timeout occurs. ``timeout`` will be passed as an argument. Default: ``None`` Raises: :py:obj:`TimeoutError` """ start_time = time() stop_time = start_time + timeout success_start_time = None while time() < stop_time: outcome = condition(*condition_args or [], **condition_kwargs or {}) if outcome: success_start_time = success_start_time or time() if time() >= success_start_time + time_to_success: if success is not None: success(time='{:.3f}'.format(time() - start_time)) return else: success_start_time = None sleep(time_between_checks) failure(timeout=timeout)
[docs]def join_url_parts(*parts): """ Join a URL from a list of parts. See for examples of why urllib.parse.urljoin is insufficient for what we want to do. """ return '/'.join([piece.strip('/') for piece in parts])
[docs]def version_tuple(version): """ Convert a version string or tuple to a tuple. Will return (major, minor, release) kind of format. """ if isinstance(version, str): return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split('.')) elif isinstance(version, tuple): return version
[docs]def version_str(version): """ Convert a version tuple or string to a string. Will return major.minor.release kind of format. """ if isinstance(version, str): return version elif isinstance(version, tuple): return '.'.join([str(int(x)) for x in version])
[docs]def get_clusterdock_label(cluster_name=None): """ Generate a clusterdock meta data label in json format. Meta data such as: clusterdock package name, version, location of clusterdock install, etc. Args: cluster_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Cluster name to attach to meta data label. Default: ``None`` Returns: (json): clusterdock meta data label """ label_str = '' try: package = get_distribution('clusterdock') label_info = {'name': package.project_name, 'version': package.version, 'location': package.location} if cluster_name: label_info['cluster_name'] = cluster_name label_str = json.dumps(label_info) except: pass return label_str
ADJECTIVES = ['accurate', 'actual', 'angular', 'associative', 'astronomical', 'asymmetrical', 'available', 'beautiful', 'biggest', 'bimodal', 'biochemical', 'biological', 'bright', 'celestial', 'closest', 'colorful', 'comparable', 'computational', 'consistent', 'conspicuous', 'continuous', 'conventional', 'coolest', 'cosmic', 'cosmological', 'critical', 'crucial', 'cubic', 'deeper', 'different', 'difficult', 'distant', 'dynamical', 'early', 'easiest', 'efficient', 'electromagnetic', 'empirical', 'evolutionary', 'faster', 'favorable', 'fewer', 'fissile', 'fissionable', 'functional', 'galactic', 'gaseous', 'gaussian', 'gravitational', 'greater', 'gregarious', 'hard', 'heaviest', 'hierarchical', 'highest', 'historical', 'homogeneous]', 'hot', 'impervious', 'important', 'intelligent', 'intense', 'intergalactic', 'internal', 'interstellar', 'intrinsic', 'invisible', 'kinetic', 'largest', 'linear', 'magnetic', 'mechanical', 'molecular', 'morphological', 'naive', 'nearest', 'nuclear', 'obvious', 'oldest', 'optical', 'orbital', 'outer', 'outward', 'perceptible', 'photographic', 'photometric', 'physical', 'planetary', 'precise', 'proper', 'random', 'reliable', 'richest', 'robust', 'rotational', 'scientific', 'shortest', 'significant', 'similar', 'skeletal', 'smallest', 'solar', 'southern', 'spectral', 'spectroscopic', 'spherical', 'strong', 'subsequent', 'successful', 'sufficient', 'systematic', 'terrestrial', 'thematic', 'tidal', 'tighter', 'typical', 'uncertain', 'uncollected', 'unformed', 'unlikely', 'unrelated', 'unresolved', 'unstable', 'unusual', 'useful', 'violent', 'visible', 'visual', 'weak'] # Astro cluster names NAMES = ['antlia', 'bullet', 'carolines_rose', 'centaurus', 'chandelier', 'coathanger', 'coma', 'double', 'el_gordo', 'fornax', 'globular', 'hyades', 'hydra', 'laniakea_super', 'm22', 'm35', 'mayall2', 'musket_ball', 'ngc752', 'norma', 'omicron_velorum', 'pandora', 'phoenix', 'pleiades', 'praesepe', 'ptolemy', 'pyxis', 'reticulum', 'beehive', 'hercules', 'wild_duck', 'virgo']
[docs]def generate_cluster_name(): """ Generate a random cluster name. """ return '{}_{}'.format(random.choice(ADJECTIVES), random.choice(NAMES))
[docs]def get_containers(clusterdock=False): """ Get Docker containers. Args: clusterdock (:obj:`bool`, optional): clusterdock containers only. Default: ``False`` Returns: (:obj:`list`): List of containers. """ Container = namedtuple('Container', ['cluster_name', 'container']) label_key = defaults['DEFAULT_DOCKER_LABEL_KEY'] cluster_containers = [] if client.containers.list(): for container in client.containers.list(all=True): if not clusterdock: cluster_containers.append(Container(None, container)) else: labels = nested_get(container.attrs, ['Config', 'Labels']) if label_key in labels: label = json.loads(labels[label_key]) cluster_containers.append(Container(label['cluster_name'], container)) return cluster_containers
[docs]def max_len_list_dict_item(list_dict, attr): """ Returns max length of a given attribute from a list of dict items. """ length = 0 for item in list_dict: length = length if length > len(item[attr]) else len(item[attr]) return length
[docs]def get_container(hostname): """ Get running Docker container for a given hostname. """ for container in client.containers.list(): if nested_get(container.attrs, ['Config', 'Hostname']) == hostname: return container