Source code for clusterdock.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""This module contains the main abstractions used by clusterdock topologies
to bring up clusters.

import copy
import datetime
import io
import logging
import tarfile
import time
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from pkg_resources import get_distribution

import docker
import requests

from .config import defaults
from .exceptions import DuplicateClusterNameError, DuplicateHostnamesError
from .utils import (get_containers, generate_cluster_name, get_clusterdock_label,
                    nested_get, wait_for_condition)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

clusterdock_args = None
client = docker.from_env()


[docs]class Cluster: """The central abstraction for interacting with Docker container clusters. No Docker behavior is actually invoked until the start method is called. Args: *nodes: One or more :py:obj:`clusterdock.models.Node` instances. """ def __init__(self, *nodes): self.nodes = nodes if clusterdock_args and clusterdock_args.cluster_name: clusters = {container.cluster_name for container in get_containers(clusterdock=True)} if clusterdock_args.cluster_name in clusters: raise DuplicateClusterNameError(name=clusterdock_args.cluster_name, clusters=clusters) else: = clusterdock_args.cluster_name else: = generate_cluster_name() if clusterdock_args and clusterdock_args.port: nodes_by_host = {node.hostname: node for node in self.nodes} for port in clusterdock_args.port: node = nodes_by_host.get(port.split(':')[0]) port_value = port.split(':')[1] node.ports.append({port_value.split('->')[0]: port_value.split('->')[1]} if '->' in port_value else int(port_value)) self.node_groups = {} for node in self.nodes: if not in self.node_groups: logger.debug('Creating NodeGroup %s ...', self.node_groups[] = NodeGroup(, node) else: self.node_groups[].nodes.append(node) # Put this outside the if-else because, whether a new NodeGroup is created # or not, the node will be added to it. logger.debug('Adding node (%s) to NodeGroup %s ...', node.hostname,
[docs] def start(self, network, pull_images=False, update_etc_hosts=True): """Start the cluster. Args: network (:obj:`str`): Name of the Docker network to use for the cluster. pull_images (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pull every Docker image needed by every :py:obj:`clusterdock.models.Node` instance, even if it exists locally. Default: ``False`` update_etc_hosts (:obj:`bool`): Update the /etc/hosts file on the host with the hostname and IP address of the container. Default: ``True`` """'Starting cluster (%s) on network (%s) ...',, network) = network the_network = self._setup_network( if len(the_network.containers) != 0: containers_attached_to_network = [nested_get(container.attrs, ['NetworkSettings', 'Networks',, 'Aliases', 0]) for container in the_network.containers] logger.debug('Network (%s) currently has the followed containers attached: \n%s',, '\n'.join('- {}'.format(container) for container in containers_attached_to_network)) duplicate_hostnames = set(containers_attached_to_network) & set(node.hostname for node in self.nodes) if duplicate_hostnames: raise DuplicateHostnamesError(duplicates=duplicate_hostnames, for node in self: node.start(,
[docs] def execute(self, command, **kwargs): """Execute a command on every :py:class:`clusterdock.models.Node` within the :py:class:`clusterdock.models.Cluster`. Args: command (:obj:`str`): Command to execute. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :py:meth:`clusterdock.models.Node.execute`. Returns: A :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of :obj:`str` instances (the FQDN of the node) mapping to the :py:class:`collections.namedtuple` instances returned by :py:meth:`clusterdock.models.Node.execute`. """ return OrderedDict((node.fqdn, node.execute(command, **kwargs)) for node in self.nodes)
def __iter__(self): for node in self.nodes: yield node def _setup_network(self, name): try: labels = {defaults.get('DEFAULT_DOCKER_LABEL_KEY'): get_clusterdock_label(} network = client.networks.create(name=name, driver=DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPE, check_duplicate=True, labels=labels) logger.debug('Successfully created network (%s).', name) except docker.errors.APIError as api_error: if api_error.explanation == 'network with name {} already exists'.format(name): logger.warning('Network (%s) already exists. Continuing without creating ...', name) network = client.networks.get(name) else: raise return network
[docs]class NodeGroup: """Abstraction representing a collection of Nodes that it could be useful to interact with enmasse. For example, a typical HDFS cluster could be seen as consisting of a 1 node group consisting of hosts with NameNodes and an n-1 node group of hosts with DataNodes. Args: name (:obj:`str`): The name by which to refer to the group. *nodes: One or more :py:class:`clusterdock.models.Node` instances. """ def __init__(self, name, *nodes): = name # We want the list of nodes to be mutable, so the tuple we get from *nodes # needs to be cast. self.nodes = list(nodes) def __iter__(self): for node in self.nodes: yield node
[docs] def execute(self, command, **kwargs): """Execute a command on every :py:class:`clusterdock.models.Node` within the :py:class:`clusterdock.models.NodeGroup`. Args: command (:obj:`str`): Command to execute. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :py:meth:`clusterdock.models.Node.execute`. Returns: A :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of :obj:`str` instances (the FQDN of the node) mapping to the :py:class:`collections.namedtuple` instances returned by :py:meth:`clusterdock.models.Node.execute`. """ return OrderedDict((node.fqdn, node.execute(command, **kwargs)) for node in self.nodes)
[docs]class Node: """Class representing a single cluster host. Args: hostname (:obj:`str`): Hostname of the node. group (:obj:`str`): :py:obj:`clusterdock.models.NodeGroup` to which the node should belong. image (:obj:`str`): Docker image with which to start the container. ports (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of container ports to expose to the host. Elements of the list could be integers (in which case a random port on the host will be chosen by the Docker daemon) or dictionaries (with the key being the host port and the value being the container port). Default: ``None`` volumes (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of volumes to create for the node. Elements of the list could be dictionaries of bind volumes (i.e. key: the absolute path on the host, value: the absolute path in the container) or strings representing the names of Docker images from which to get volumes. As an example, ``[{'/var/www': '/var/www'}, 'my_super_secret_image']`` would create a bind mount of ``/var/www`` on the host and use any volumes from ``my_super_secret_image``. Default: ``None`` devices (:obj:`list`, optional): Devices on the host to expose to the node. Default: ``None`` **create_container_kwargs: Any other keyword arguments to pass directly to :py:meth:`docker.api.container.create_container`. """ DEFAULT_CREATE_HOST_CONFIG_KWARGS = { # Add all capabilities to make containers host-like. 'cap_add': ['ALL'], # Run without a seccomp profile. 'security_opt': ['seccomp=unconfined'], # Mount in /etc/localtime to have container time match the host's. 'binds': {'/etc/localtime': {'bind': '/etc/localtime', 'mode': 'rw'}}, } DEFAULT_CREATE_CONTAINER_KWARGS = { # All nodes run in detached mode. 'detach': True, # Mount in /etc/localtime to have container time match the host's. 'volumes': ['/etc/localtime'] } def __init__(self, hostname, group, image, ports=None, volumes=None, devices=None, **create_container_kwargs): self.hostname = hostname = group self.image = image self.ports = ports or [] self.volumes = volumes or [] self.devices = devices or [] self.create_container_kwargs = create_container_kwargs self.execute_shell = '/bin/sh'
[docs] def start(self, network, cluster_name=None): """Start the node. Args: network (:obj:`str`): Docker network to which to attach the container. cluster_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Cluster name to use for the Node. Default: ``None`` """ self.fqdn = '{}.{}'.format(self.hostname, network) # Instantiate dictionaries for kwargs we'll pass when creating host configs # and the node's container itself. create_host_config_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(Node.DEFAULT_CREATE_HOST_CONFIG_KWARGS) create_container_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(dict(Node.DEFAULT_CREATE_CONTAINER_KWARGS, **self.create_container_kwargs)) if self.volumes: # Instantiate empty lists to which we'll append elements as we traverse through # volumes. These populated lists will then get passed to either # :py:meth:`docker.api.client.APIClient.create_host_config` or # :py:meth:`docker.api.client.create_container`. binds = {} volumes = [] volumes_from = [] for volume in self.volumes: if isinstance(volume, dict): # Dictionaries in the volumes list are bind volumes. for host_directory, container_directory in volume.items(): logger.debug('Adding volume (%s) to container config ...', '{} => {}'.format(host_directory, container_directory)) binds[host_directory] = dict(bind=container_directory, mode='rw') volumes.append(container_directory) elif isinstance(volume, str): # Strings in the volume list are `volumes_from` images. try: container = client.containers.create(volume) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:'Could not find %s locally. Attempting to pull ...', volume) client.images.pull(volume) container = client.containers.create(volume) volumes_from.append( else: element_type = type(volume).__name__ raise TypeError('Saw volume of type {} (must be dict or str).'.format(element_type)) if volumes_from: create_host_config_kwargs['volumes_from'] = volumes_from if volumes: create_host_config_kwargs['binds'].update(binds) create_container_kwargs['volumes'] += volumes ports = [] port_bindings = {} for port in self.ports: if isinstance(port, dict): for host_port, container_port in port.items(): logger.debug('Adding binding from host port %s to container port %s ...', host_port, container_port) ports.append(container_port) port_bindings[container_port] = host_port elif isinstance(port, int): ports.append(port) port_bindings[port] = None else: element_type = type(port).__name__ raise TypeError('Saw port of type {} (must be dict or int).'.format(element_type)) if ports: create_container_kwargs['ports'] = ports if port_bindings: create_host_config_kwargs['port_bindings'] = port_bindings if self.devices: create_host_config_kwargs['devices'] = self.devices host_config = client.api.create_host_config(**create_host_config_kwargs) # Pass networking config to container at creation time to avoid issues with # DNS resolution. networking_config = client.api.create_networking_config({ network: client.api.create_endpoint_config(aliases=[self.hostname]) }) create_container_kwargs['labels'] = {defaults.get('DEFAULT_DOCKER_LABEL_KEY'): get_clusterdock_label(cluster_name)}'Starting node %s ...', self.fqdn) # Since we need to use the low-level API to handle networking properly, we need to get # a container instance from the ID try: container_id = client.api.create_container(image=self.image, hostname=self.fqdn, host_config=host_config, networking_config=networking_config, **create_container_kwargs)['Id'] except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:'Could not find %s locally. Attempting to pull ...', self.image) client.images.pull(self.image) container_id = client.api.create_container(image=self.image, hostname=self.fqdn, host_config=host_config, networking_config=networking_config, **create_container_kwargs)['Id'] client.api.start(container=container_id) # When the Container instance is created, the corresponding Docker container may not # be in a RUNNING state. Wait until it is (or until timeout takes place). self.container = client.containers.get(container_id=container_id) logger.debug('Connecting container (%s) to network (%s) ...', self.container.short_id, network) # Wait for container to be in running state before moving on. def condition(container): container.reload() outcome = nested_get(container.attrs, ['State', 'Running']) logger.debug('Container running state evaluated to %s.', outcome) return outcome def success(time): logger.debug('Container reached running state after %s seconds.', time) def failure(timeout): logger.debug('Timed out after %s seconds waiting for container to reach running state.', timeout) timeout_in_secs = 30 wait_for_condition(condition=condition, condition_args=[self.container], timeout=30, success=success, failure=failure) logger.debug('Reloading attributes for container (%s) ...', self.container.short_id) self.container.reload() self.ip_address = nested_get(self.container.attrs, ['NetworkSettings', 'Networks', network, 'IPAddress']) self.host_ports = {int(container_port.split('/')[0]): int(host_ports[0]['HostPort']) for container_port, host_ports in nested_get(self.container.attrs, ['NetworkSettings', 'Ports']).items()} if self.host_ports:'Created host port mapping (%s) for node (%s).', '; '.join('{} => {}'.format(host_port, container_port) for host_port, container_port in self.host_ports.items()), self.hostname) self._add_node_to_etc_hosts()
[docs] def stop(self, remove=True): """Stop the node and optionally removing the Docker container. Args: remove (:obj:`bool`, optional): Remove underlying Docker container. Default: ``True`` """ if not remove: self.container.stop() else: self.container.remove(v=True, force=True)
[docs] def execute(self, command, user='root', quiet=False, detach=False): """Execute a command on the node. Args: command (:obj:`str`): Command to execute. user (:obj:`str`, optional): User with which to execute the command. Default: ``root`` quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Run the command without showing any output. Default: ``False`` detach (:obj:`bool`, optional): Run the command in detached mode. Default: ``False`` Returns: A :py:class:`collections.namedtuple` instance with `exit_code` and `output` attributes. """ logger.debug('Executing command (%s) on node (%s) ...', command, self.fqdn) exec_command = [self.execute_shell, '-c', command] logger.debug('Running docker exec with command (%s) ...', exec_command) exec_id = client.api.exec_create(, exec_command, user=user)['Id'] output = [] for response_chunk in client.api.exec_start(exec_id, stream=True, detach=detach): output_chunk = response_chunk.decode() output.append(output_chunk) if not quiet: print(output_chunk) exit_code = client.api.exec_inspect(exec_id).get('ExitCode') return namedtuple('ExecuteSession', ['exit_code', 'output'])(exit_code=exit_code, output=''.join(output))
[docs] def get_file(self, path): """Get file from the node. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Absolute path to file. Returns: A :obj:`str` containing the contents of the file. """ tarstream = io.BytesIO(self.container.get_archive(path=path)[0].read()) with as tarfile_: for tarinfo in tarfile_.getmembers(): return tarfile_.extractfile(tarinfo).read().decode()
[docs] def put_file(self, path, contents): """Put file on the node. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Absolute path to file. contents (:obj:`str`): The contents of the file. """ data = io.BytesIO() with, mode='w') as tarfile_: encoded_file = contents.encode() tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(path) # We set the modification time to now because some systems (e.g. logging) rely upon # timestamps to determine whether to read config files. tarinfo.mtime = time.time() tarinfo.size = len(encoded_file) tarfile_.addfile(tarinfo, io.BytesIO(encoded_file)) self.container.put_archive(path='/', data=data)
[docs] def commit(self, repository, tag=None, push=False, **kwargs): """Commit the Node's Docker container to a Docker image. Args: repository (:obj:`str`): The Docker repository to commit the image to. tag (:obj:`str`, optional): Docker image tag. Default: ``None`` push (:obj:`bool`, optional): Push the image to Docker repository. Default: ``False`` **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :py:meth:`docker.models.Containers.Container.commit` """ logger.debug('Committing `%s` with container id %s ...', self.fqdn, self.container.short_id) image = self.container.commit(repository=repository, tag=tag, **kwargs) logger.debug('%s repo tags committed with image id as %s', image.tags, image.short_id) if push: logger.debug('Pushing image of `%s` to repository %s ...', self.fqdn, repository) for line in client.api.push(repository, tag, stream=True, decode=True): line.pop('progressDetail', None) # take out too much detail logger.debug(line) logger.debug('%s repo tags pushed for `%s`, whose image id is %s', image.tags, self.fqdn, image.short_id)
def _add_node_to_etc_hosts(self): """Add node information to the Docker hosts' /etc/hosts file, exploiting Docker's permissions to do so without needing an explicit sudo. """ image = 'alpine:latest' command = 'echo "{} {} # clusterdock" >> /etc/hosts'.format(self.ip_address, self.fqdn) volumes = {'/etc/hosts': {'bind': '/etc/hosts', 'mode': 'rw'}} logger.debug('Adding %s to /etc/hosts ...', self.fqdn), command=[self.execute_shell, '-c', command], volumes=volumes, remove=True)